Jonesin' Big

Anyone who is actually reading this knows that I'm addicted to motorcycles. This addiction has taken on a few different forms, but the most recent, and thus far, most intense manifestation of this addiction is road racing (see pic). Well, in case you haven't noticed, it's WINTER! Damn, I hate winter.
Normally, I can feed the monkey by performing unnecessary maintenance to my race bike, but I'm currently suffering from empty garage syndrome. I've recently sold my newly acquired SV650 racebike to make room for the R6 that will take its place (more on this later). But, as I don't yet _have_ the R6, I'm jonesin' big time.
One saving grace is that I sold my van and trailer, and bought a box truck to get to the track next year. It's a work-in-progress for sure, but the idea is that the front half of the box is for sleeping and getting out of the rain, and the back half is for bikes 'n stuff. I've pretty much gutted it, so as to set it up just as I want it...this work will have to hold me over. Stay tuned for truck pics, and for details on my racing plans for 2006.
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