Friday, February 23, 2007

Is this thing on?

Wow…it’s been almost a year since I posted to this thing. Sorry about that, blog…I’ll try to come around more often.

It is my personal opinion that all manner of organized religion is now, or has been at various times, responsible for countless wackos perpetrating all sorts of stuff including wars, bombings, institutional rape, cover-ups, self-preservation at the expense of all else, thievery, dishonesty, hypocrisy, institutional mutilation, genocide, racism, slavery, class discrimination, and so on. Of course, there is a very strong possibility that the same wackos would just find some other justification for their wacko activities if it weren't for religion...maybe that means "responsible" is the wrong word in that previous sentence, but I can't think of a better one at the moment.

If folks want to have a conversation about how, in general, all religion is, or is not, a negative influence on the world and all of the people in it, I'm game. But, for believers in Christianity, which I personally see as not materially different from Islam, Judaism, or whatever else, to wholly condemn Muslims as evildoers is plain silly and almost comically myopic. Just because at this particular time there are more Muslims than Christians killing people in the name of religion doesn't give Christianity (or any other religion) a free pass, an ivory tower, or a high horse upon which to sit.

Does this mean that I think Christians are evil? Definitely not. All I’m trying to get around to is that I’m about at the end of my rope with this self-righteous “Oh ya, ‘the religion of peace, eh? That cabby didn’t seem peaceful to me…” bullshit that seems to surround me wherever I look. The guy was a nutbag thief weirdo, end of story. If he were Catholic, the story would not have been the national sensation that it was.

How is it not common sense for people to not condemn 1.2 billion people as the result of maybe 100,000 of them who have wacked out views?

I am continually surprised by the fact that the Christian conservo (do they come any other way?) folks I argue with about various stuff seem to repeatedly fall on the less compassionate and understanding side of almost every issue we ever discuss. Why is that? Gays? Can’t stand ‘em. Muslims? All evil, all the time. Murderers? Kill’em all. Now.

Where are the liberal Christians?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will a Christian Libertarian do until you find a Liberal one?
--Panthercity Bob

9:21 AM  
Blogger (diet) Dr. Thunder said...

I think I can make an allowance for you Bob :)

10:33 AM  

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