I have a fever today...can you tell?
How many truly great blogs go unseen? Lots and lots, I’d wager. Don’t worry, I’m not in any danger of wanting to lump my own into such a category, but the fact that nobody (except for my wife and a couple of friends…and even then, rarely) ever reads mine got me thinking about that. It’s a shame really.
More importantly, I wonder how many potentially great writings are never written because the writer gives up when he or she realizes that nobody will read it no matter how wonderful it is? Just this second as I type this, I’ve decided that this will be a focus for my ‘what I’d do with a zillion dollars’ theory (everyone is entitled to such an indulgence). If I ever get a zillion dollars, I will pay a staff of readers to read blogs and unearth the diamonds, as it were.
So many people are doing this these days…don’t you think the number of really superb writings you’re missing every day is probably staggering? Ok, maybe it isn’t staggering, but still.
By the way, that chapter of fiction is not a part of a longer work (you’re welcome). I wrote it completely at the spur of the moment…it just sorta spilled out. I didn’t even know where it was going as I wrote it. I know that sounds odd, but at least it explains the clumsiness and lack of focus it has. Then again, I think it could be part of something fun to read if I worked at it. Should I try my hand at fiction? It was really fun to write, I have to admit, but I couldn’t possibly have less of an idea what I’m doing when it comes to fiction. Hell, that was my first-ever attempt.
It did occur to me that maybe I could just periodically see if I can come up with one chapter, like the one below. The idea would be that the chapter would ostensibly be a part of a larger work, but there’d be no such work. The reader would be left to ponder what might have come before, or what came after…think of it like a solitary literary version of, “The Industrial Revolution was neither ‘industrial’ nor a ‘revolution.’ Discuss.”
Is this idea even the least bit compelling? Maybe it’s been done many times before and I’ve simply never heard of it? Or maybe it hasn’t ever been done, and there’s a very good reason for same. I’ll think about it.
Then again, does it really matter? Who’s gonna see it?
More importantly, I wonder how many potentially great writings are never written because the writer gives up when he or she realizes that nobody will read it no matter how wonderful it is? Just this second as I type this, I’ve decided that this will be a focus for my ‘what I’d do with a zillion dollars’ theory (everyone is entitled to such an indulgence). If I ever get a zillion dollars, I will pay a staff of readers to read blogs and unearth the diamonds, as it were.
So many people are doing this these days…don’t you think the number of really superb writings you’re missing every day is probably staggering? Ok, maybe it isn’t staggering, but still.
By the way, that chapter of fiction is not a part of a longer work (you’re welcome). I wrote it completely at the spur of the moment…it just sorta spilled out. I didn’t even know where it was going as I wrote it. I know that sounds odd, but at least it explains the clumsiness and lack of focus it has. Then again, I think it could be part of something fun to read if I worked at it. Should I try my hand at fiction? It was really fun to write, I have to admit, but I couldn’t possibly have less of an idea what I’m doing when it comes to fiction. Hell, that was my first-ever attempt.
It did occur to me that maybe I could just periodically see if I can come up with one chapter, like the one below. The idea would be that the chapter would ostensibly be a part of a larger work, but there’d be no such work. The reader would be left to ponder what might have come before, or what came after…think of it like a solitary literary version of, “The Industrial Revolution was neither ‘industrial’ nor a ‘revolution.’ Discuss.”
Is this idea even the least bit compelling? Maybe it’s been done many times before and I’ve simply never heard of it? Or maybe it hasn’t ever been done, and there’s a very good reason for same. I’ll think about it.
Then again, does it really matter? Who’s gonna see it?
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